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All about Spinal Cord Injury

What is Spinal Cord Injury?

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) refers to damage to the spinal cord resulting from trauma (e.g. a car crash) or from disease or degeneration (e.g. cancer). The incidence of spinal injury is estimated at 15 new cases per million per year in India.Up to 90% of these cases are due to traumatic causes, though the proportion of non-traumatic spinal cord injury appears to be growing. Symptoms of spinal cord injury depend on the severity of injury and its location on the spinal cord.

Following trauma, it is advisable to consult a neurologist in Jaipur, if a patient experiences any of the following:

  • Extreme pain or pressure in the neck, head or back
  • Loss of sensation in the hand, fingers, feet or toes
  • Partial or complete loss of control over any part of the body
  • Urinary or bowel urgency, incontinence or retention
  • Abnormal band-like sensations in the thorax
  • Unusual lumps on the head or spine

Testing and Diagnosis

In the situation of trauma, the neurologist will first check if the patient is breathing and has a pulse. The next step in the evaluation is to assess an individual’s neurologic function. The specialist will do this by testing the patient’s strength and sensation in arms and legs. If there is obvious weakness, the patient is kept in a rigid cervical collar and on a spine board until a full imaging assessment can be done.

Radiological Evaluation

The radiological diagnosis of SCI started with x-rays, earlier. However, with the technological advancements, the entire spine can be imaged with computerized tomography (CT scan) which can identify fractures and other bone abnormalities.


Non-Surgical Treatments

If a patient has a SCI, he is usually admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU). For many injuries of the cervical spine, traction is indicated to bring the spine into proper alignment. Standard ICU care, including maintaining a stable blood pressure, monitoring cardiovascular function, ensuring adequate ventilation and lung function and treating infection and other complications, is essential so that SCI patients can achieve the best possible outcome. Top Neurologist doctor in Jaipur ensure that the patient is treated well.


Occasionally, a surgeon may wish to take a patient to the operating room immediately if the spinal cord appears to be compressed by a herniated disc, blood clot or other lesion. This is most commonly done for patients with progressive neurological deterioration. The neurosurgeon in Jaipur decides as to which procedure will render the greatest benefit to the patient.


Once the patient is stabilized, care and treatment focus on supportive care and rehabilitation. Family members, nurses and specially trained aides provide supportive care. Rehabilitation often includes physical therapy, occupational therapy and counselling for emotional support. The services can initially be provided while the patient is hospitalized.