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All you would want to know about Vaginal Yeast Infection

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Vaginal yeast infections are a common problem in women. The most common signs and symptoms include itching and irritation of the vulva and around the opening of the vagina. Vaginal yeast infections usually occur as infrequent episodes, but can reoccur and can cause chronic persistent symptoms. According to the best gynecology doctor in Jaipur, yeast infections occur mainly in women who are menstruating (having monthly periods).

Signs and Symptoms

The most common symptoms of a yeast infection include:

  • Itching or irritation of the vulva and around the vaginal opening.
  • Pain with urination.
  • Vulvar soreness or irritation.
  • Pain with intercourse.
  • Reddened and swollen vulvar and vaginal tissues.
  • Some women have no abnormal vaginal discharge. Others have white clumpy or watery vaginal discharge.

Symptoms of a yeast infection are similar to a number of other conditions, including bacterial vaginosis (a bacterial infection of the vagina), trichomoniasis (a sexually transmitted infection), and dermatitis (irritated skin).


The fungus that causes yeast infections lives in the gastrointestinal tract and sometimes the vagina. However, when there are changes in the environment of the gastrointestinal tract and vagina, the yeast can overgrow and cause signs and symptoms.

Risk factors associated with a yeast infection

In most women, there is no underlying health problem that leads to a yeast infection. There are several risk factors can increase the chances of developing an infection, including:

Antibiotics – Most antibiotics kill a wide variety of bacteria, including those that normally live in the vagina. These bacteria protect the vagina from the overgrowth of yeast. Some women are prone to yeast infections while taking antibiotics.

Hormonal contraceptives -The risk of yeast infections can be higher in women who use birth control methods that contain the hormone estrogen.

Contraceptive devices – Vaginal sponges, diaphragms, and intrauterine devices (IUDs) increase the risk of yeast infections. Spermicides do not usually cause yeast infections, although they can cause vaginal or vulvar irritation in some women.

Weakened immune system – Yeast infections are more common in people who have a weakened immune system due to HIV or the use of certain medications (steroids, chemotherapy, post-organ transplant medications).

Pregnancy – Vaginal discharge becomes more noticeable during pregnancy, although yeast infection is not always the cause.

Diabetes – Women with diabetes are at higher risk for yeast infections, especially if blood sugar is not well maintained.


To diagnose a yeast infection, a top gynecology doctor in Jaipur will examine your vulva and vagina. They will also swab the vagina to get a sample of discharge, which will be examined under a microscope in a lab.  Treatment for a vaginal yeast infection often includes a vaginal cream or tablet. You apply the cream or tablet inside the vagina at bedtime with an applicator, as recommended by the best gynecology doctor in Jaipur.