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Common Developmental issues in children

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Have you ever wondered why some children have abnormal physical characteristics or have delayed development? Childhood disorders, which are also referred to as developmental disorders, corelate to a range of problems characterised by impairments in physical, learning, language, or behaviour areas. These conditions usually begin during childhood, have an impact on everyday functioning, and usually last for the entire lifetime. Most children with developmental disabilities are often affected in numerous domains of function because of the nature and extent of brain dysfunction.

Highly trained healthcare experts and specialists, top paediatrician in Jaipur diagnose and treat childhood developmental disorders, early. They work in close collaboration with children and their parents to foster their overall development and make them as independent as possible.

Risk Factors

Majorly,all developmental problems start before a baby is born, but some can occur after delivery due to injury, infection, or other circumstances. Most developmental disabilities are thought to be caused by a mixture of factors. These factors include genetics, parental health and behaviours (such as smoking and drinking) during pregnancy, complications during birth, infections the mother might have during pregnancy or exposure of the mother or child to increased levels of environmental toxins.

Common Developmental Disorders

Cognitive Disabilities:  Cognitive disabilities in children include mental retardation and specific learning disabilities in children. Mental retardation is featured as a condition in which an individual’s intelligence is below average and their adaptive behaviour is impaired. Mild mental retardation is known to limit the child’s academic performance while more severe grades occur with multiple disabilities.

Motor Disabilities:   Motor disabilities include limitations in walking and in the use of the upper extremities (arms and/or hands). Some motor disabilities also affect speech and swallowing of the child. Severity can range from mild to profound. Motor disabilities diagnosed in infancy or childhood include cerebral palsy, congenital abnormalities or progressive disorders, such as the muscular dystrophies and spinal the muscular atrophies.

Vision, hearing and speech disabilities:  A number of cases of visual as well as hearing disability have their onset early in life. Learning to speak depends on the ability to hear and repeat sounds. The optimal period for speech acquisition is the first two years of life, further delay indicates a speech disorder. It is recommended to screen young children for hearing impairment or speech delay early and evaluate any suspected disabilities.

BehaviouralDisorders:  The majority of children with psychological and behavioural disorders go undiagnosed or untreated. Anxiety disorders, depression, autism and attention-deficit or hyperactivity disorders are examples of behavioural diseases that require further investigation.

Types of Developmental Disorders

According to the best paediatrician in Jaipur, childhood developmental disabilities are sometimes diagnosed at birth, but more often, are not easily identified until ages three to six. They range from mild to severe depending on their symptoms. Some of the more common developmental disabilities include:

Autism:  Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder, which is characterized by severe impairment in reciprocal social interactions and communication skills, as well as the presence of restricted and stereotypical behaviours.

ADHD:  ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by inattention and disorganization, with or without hyperactivity-impulsivity, causing impairment of functioning.

Cerebral palsy:Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders that affect movement and muscle tone and posture. It is caused by damage that occurs to the immature brain as it develops, most often before birth.

Down syndrome:  Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused when abnormal cell division results in an extra full or partial copy of chromosome.