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Know about Ovarian Cancer

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What is Ovarian cancer and how is it caused?

Ovarian cancer starts in the cells located at the tail end of the fallopian tubes and not the actual ovary. There are many theories about the cause of ovarian cancer. For instance, some gynaecologists in Jaipur are of the view that there may be some relationship between ovulation and the risk of developing ovarian cancer. This correlation is due to both pregnancy and taking birth control pills.

Risk factors associated with Ovarian Cancer:

Half of the women diagnosed with ovarian cancer are above 60 years. As one ages, the risk of developing ovarian cancer increases. Ovarian cancer is very rare in women younger than 40 and most ovarian cancer cases develop after a woman goes through menopause. Cigarette smoking is a risk factor. Women who have had children over the age of 35, or have never had children at all, tend to have a higher risk of ovarian cancer as well. Endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and infertility have all been identified as risk factors. Family history can also indicate an increase in ovarian cancer risk. Several ovarian cancer susceptibility genes have been identified.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding both relate with a reduced risk of ovarian cancer. Oral contraceptive pills also reduce risk, with greater length of use providing a greater degree of risk reduction. Intrauterine devices are also associated with reduced risk. Finally, tubal litigation surgery provides women with a reduction in risk.

Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer:

Ovarian cancer can be difficult to detect as most of its symptoms are often non-specific, and are also associated with other conditions. Symptoms include persistent bloating, pelvic or abdominal pain, difficulty eating, feelings of fullness, or frequent urination. According to the best gynaecology doctor in Jaipur, in later stages, ovarian cancer can be difficult to treat, so like with most cancers, early detection is important. Only about 20% of ovarian cancers are found at an early stage.

Screening for ovarian cancer:

Checking for ovarian cancer should be done regularly. During a pelvic exam, best gynaecology doctor in Jaipur checks for size, shape, and consistency in your ovaries and uterus. There are two tests for pelvic examination that can help to identify ovarian cancer. These are the transvaginal ultrasound and CA-125 blood test. The transvaginal ultrasound or TVUS, uses sound waves to look at the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries via an ultrasound wand into the vagina. The CA-125 blood test measures the amount of a protein called CA-125 in the blood. Higher levels of CA-125 are often found in women with ovarian cancer.

These tests are used in women known to be at a high risk for ovarian cancer, or in women with symptoms.