A healthy diet and lifestyle are of key importance to prevent and manage cardiovascular diseases. It is not very difficult. Nutritionists and Best cardiologists of Jaipur consider that an overall pattern of the eating choices counts and advises some simple eating habits that can provide long-term benefits to your heart health.
- Using as many calories as you consume: You can start this by knowing how many calories you should be eating and drinking to maintain the weight. Nutrition and calorie information on food labels is based on a 2,000 calorie per day diet. Right amount of calories consumption depends on several factors including age, gender, and level of physical activity. The Best Heart Doctor in Jaipur suggest the patients to increase the amount and intensity of physical activity to burn more calories. Regular physical activity can help to maintain your weight and reach physical and cardiovascular fitness.
- Eating a healthy dietary pattern: A healthy diet pattern is significant which includes-
- A wide variety of fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables have been considered to promote good health. This is due to the association between the greater consumption of these products and the reduction of the risk of cardiovascular disease.
- Whole grains: Whole grains are good sources of fibre and other nutrients that play a significant role in regulating blood pressure and heart health. One can increase the amount of whole grains in a heart-healthy diet by making simple substitutions for refined grain products.
- Healthy source of proteins: It mostly includes foods such as legumes and nuts, fish and seafood; low-fat or non- fat dairy, processed meats- Lean meat, poultry and fish, low-fat dairy products, and eggs are some of the best sources of protein. Choose lower fat options, such as skinless chicken breasts rather than fried chicken patties and skim milk rather than whole milk. Legumes are also good, low-fat sources of protein and contain no cholesterol, making them good substitutes for meat. Substituting plant protein for animal protein will reduce fat and cholesterol intake and increase fibre intake.
- Limited intake of added sugars
- Foods prepared with little or no salt
- Limited alcohol intake
- Regular consumption of green tea has been associated with small reductions in CVD risk factors, such as LDL and blood pressure.Similar to green tea; wine and coffee are two beverages containing a wide variety of phytochemical substances that have protective effect against heart disease.
- Live Tobacco Free: It is advisable by best cardiology doctor in Jaipur not to smoke or use tobacco or nicotine products and also avoid passive smoking or intake of vapor.