Nobody is a stranger to an upset stomach; there are millions of Indians who suffer from such adversity every day from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). There are many factors that affect the health of your stomachs like genetics, a built body, and a steady diet. The best Gastroenterologist in Jaipur at Manglamplus Medicity Hospital says that there are certain factors that are under your control such as stress and diet. When the function of the gut is proper the balance of bacteria in the gut helps in the processes of the body. These processes when made faster are able to maintain the energy levels of your body, detoxify the innards, and better your immune system. Better health of the stomach also leaves the complaints of diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas, and abdominal pain.
Here are some common warning signs which can point the needle toward an empty gut:
Upset Stomach
Individuals with repetitive discomfort, diarrhea, bloating, and heartburn are the signs that indicate the stomach is suffering and having a really hard time while processing the food and waste elimination.
Frequent Tiredness
A distressed stomach can lead to poor sleep and insomnia. The doctors at the best gastro care hospital in Jaipur explain that a major portion of serotonin is produced in the stomach which affects the sleep cycle and mood of the person. This is the reason why sleep is affected whenever there is inflammation or bacteria in the gut.
Intolerance of selected Food items
When the quality of bacteria in the stomach is poor you can develop an intolerance for certain food types. This is reflected when the individual feels difficulty digesting certain foods which can lead to bloating and abdominal pain.
Sugar Cravings
Having high amounts of sugar can lead to the rise of bad bacteria in the stomach. This leads to inflammation and also subjects you to other diseases.
Unintentional Weight loss or Gain
Imbalance in the stomach leads to the struggle for nutrient absorption, fat storage, and the regulation of blood sugar levels. This causes either lack of nutrients or bacteria overgrowth resulting in dramatic weight gain or loss.
Skin Irritation and Migraines
Skin problems such as eczema, acne, and psoriasis can be caused due to stomach issues. The best gastroenterological doctor in Jaipur sheds light on the fact that there is a good possibility that your headaches and gut issues are interconnected in case of Nausea and vomiting with migraines.
Immunity and Depression
The bad bacteria in your stomach can lead to autoimmune conditions such as thyroid issues, Type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis. Furthermore, the inflammation in the nervous system develops depression and anxiety in a person.
If you are someone who has a matching bandwidth in any of these signs then seek medical attention. Get the effective treatment available from the best Gastrological doctor in Jaipur at Manglamplus Medicity Hospital. Keep your stomach healthy and let happiness blossom.